Uhh Hi !


I missed school today, I wasn't feeling that well anyways so I do have a good reason to take my day off from all the drama . Woke up at 9.05 am in the morning, thinking that i had slept for quite a long while when it was just a few hours after sahur . Started my day with twitter and a quick morning tweet to my prince. He usually is an early bird even though he sleeps like a bear but apparently, I woke up earlier than him today. We did have a small problem just now but it was fine after that. I couldn't possibly ignore him, not when he's all i ever think about in a day, everyday. He usually is a guy who knows his way back, No matter how stupid a matter is, even though it may be my fault, he would be the one with the "sorry's" . It's sweet when you think about it, I don't mind a thousand sorry's heard because i know he knows what i want him to know to not do it again and he didn't . I felt companied even though i was alone. He knew how i hated being alone thus he would do anything to talk to me, to make me reply his words and to let me know how much he loves me. I hope i make sense. Lol, #life

Tomorrow supposed to be a plan to iftar with our love ones but sadly, things happen and due to such circumstances, Azhar cancelled the plan. It's quite disappointing since it's almost the end of fasting and I haven't got a chance to iftar with my friends yet. I guess, that's that then. Oh and now I'm discussing with Haikal to iftar with the others, not sure if it'll work out but it'll do .

Ps. I don't actually want to blog today, I'm quite lazy but since my boyfriend ask me to so yeah, umm tadaa ! 

Till then :)

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