
Sorry for the long HIATUS . Everything was like packed . (not really) today I'll be leaving to Kuantan for 2 days and 1 night while my mum and dad goes to my brother's graduation in Terengganu . Since there wouldn't be anyone to do the meals, my grandmother makes the best nasi lemak ever ! I'm just saying . LOL 

  I'm having problem with the people I lost actually . Call me stupid but it's about my ex . It's been a long time since I came up with a topic to talk about him again . I don't like sharing personal feelings on my blog about someone who left . We still do talk to each other but that's when I started the conversation. It's been that way since the moment we were and not together but whatever it is, I still do care for him even though I'm sure as an ex, I should care about my own problems. Well it ain't easy people . He used to be a very important person to me .

  Back to the topic, he's not, himself lately . WELL, NEVER BEEN since 2011 October . Everything wasn't exactly everybody would still enjoy being with . I blame myself and at a part of it, I don't because he chose to change for his own good reasons and i still think that, that is NOT a good reason to change when he's already a good guy . I prefer a change in faith than the whole package . He lost it . He's bazaar . I would love to talk to him and catch up with him, see what life feels without each other but I just think that it won't be a good idea because I still think he doesn't like my presence around . I barely know who he is right now . Since ever i tried to be friends with him but it never worked out so i let it go and talk to him when I need something . The last time i talked to him was last week and that was just a chance to see and talk to him again . I wanted some games and it's true i do need some new games but instead of asking others, i wanted to ask him . All i can do right now is just leave everything to Syed. He knows what to do. He always do .

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