Silent Song of Poet : Original

I quote my life in words I couldn't define,
Questions yet figured in mind,
For long I stand,
I'm still struggling,
To put my mind from thread to
strands of string .

Music played to calm my heart,
from the heart aching moments
i once and still had,
Pretend to ignore that fate had met,
To look forward without a start
and begin again .

Quiet Poetry I finally writ,
wish you knew what my heart felt .
A heart you break, never a tear to care,
what more could had been said,
To bridges without you in the end .

One day never came,
still crying to the fact I'm stuck front ,
You never saw me shed,
those words I cried on my bed .

Then I said fine to lied,
Lead farewell to mind,
then I saw your eyes contact,
and never wish to meet again .

Red Cheeks, Quiet Eyes


There had been things going on lately and I'm pretty much curious . Somehow my best friend is keeping things from me and I don't wish to tell you what it is as it might offend some of you people who read this . It's just so obvious that things are right in front of me yet, I can't be sure of . Life is full of mystery and yet to be discovered . I'm torturing myself . It shouldn't be my problem and a waste of time but because the person and secret has something to do with my past and my life, I can't ignore . Probably because my best friend had been keeping things behind me for my own good but I suggest for admission . They can't hide forever . Pity me too . Why does things still revolve around me when i thought it should settle down now ? I'm deeply depressed but i don't know how to resolve this. Whining about it to my boyfriend and my trustworthy ones won't solve anything .

All I could do now is be strong and be patient, isn't that how I go through this from the start ? Patience and that it leads me to something better than just a mere lesson . I'm happy but now, I'm not satisfied as there were still questions in my head that still is... going on .


Fiddle January


I haven't been updating since umm, 3 weeks ago and I apologize for my disappearance . A lot of things had happen lately and that concludes to today's activity which students must collect an amount of RM 100 with their examiners slip . During the table talk, they gave us the money and ask us if we would like to pay for this PIBG thingy . In the end, some students came back with a ringgit less than RM 10 . Whatever it is, I didn't pay yet, my parents wish to pay later on after months past and treasure the money . Apparently, my brother replaced my parents "Parent teacher talk" Yay, no lecture no nothing .

Anyways, I've been chosen to do the front page cover for the school magazine with Adzim . My teacher has this idea called match making, i guess, for making me work things out and do things together with my ex which she knows that he IS my ex but I didn't let the past come to us but coorperating is a problem . Maybe for me . I don't know why . I have this bad aura whenever I'm around him, the anger aura I supposed . And again, I persuade myself to not put the past in things I wished to do for the school and for myself .I want to make history and whenever I come around, people would remember me even when I'm gone and not just a footstep on the sand .

Till the moon shines again .